Chloé Salmon is a visual artist, writer and climate researcher living and working in Taipei, Taiwan.
As a freelancer, my work focuses on providing strategic communications support to businesses that are decarbonising the world we live in.
I graduated with a Masters degree in Climate Change Policy from King's College London. My research focused on urban climate governance, specialising in green (in)justice, knowledge production and the politicisation of climate science. In parallel, I worked as a research assistant on the topic of Open Data for UK climate services (to result in a forthcoming publication).
In 2021, I moved to Taiwan in order to complete my dissertation research on urban environmental governance and green gentrification in Taipei. With a strong desire to deepen my understanding of local environmental politics and climate adaptation policy, I later joined the Taipei Green Infrastructure Lab as a research assistant, working for a bilateral UK-Taiwan research programme on ‘Urban greening for climate-resilient neighbourhoods’.
Beyond research, I use creative tools to explore these themes through alternative frames and perspectives. Photography is a particularly appealing way of connecting on a deeper level with the local communities and environments.
Prior to that, I have previous experience working in communications and media relations in London. At Portland Communications, I supported philanthropy and development organisations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, managing communication campaigns with a focus on global development issues, governance and sustainability.
I am fluent in French, English and Chinese.

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